Becoming a Client

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New & Returning Clients

Welcome to Transpersonal Integration Counseling!

If you wish to explore working together but have questions or concerns, please get in touch and we can schedule a time to address them.

If you live in Oregon and have insurance coverage, please call (541) 787-9246 and leave a message with your contact information and name of insurance. If I am contracted with your insurance and have space available, I will return your call within 48 hours. Insurance contracts abide by a different time and fee structure which I honor.

For cash paying clients, I offer a free 20-30 minute consultation when you apply to be a new client. This allows you a felt sense of the connection before scheduling a paid session.

In truth, the alignment and chemistry between client and counselor is perhaps the most important element in a successful counseling process and outcome. So, listen to your own knowing and where you feel safe and supported to be fully you.

For a summary of our offerings at Transpersonal Counseling, see our Flyer!

Individual Sessions:

New client sessions are 60 minutes. Note: if you opt to forgo the free consultation, your first session will be 75 minutes.

Individual returning client sessions and first time Energy work sessions are 60 minutes.

Please find application information below. We will respond to your request within 48 hours.

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In-Depth Soul Work

In-Depth Soul Work clients:

The rhythm and consistency of regular sessions builds a foundation that supports the efficacy of soul work.

Similar to the way antibiotics require regularity, the potency of regular sessions grows a transformative power that facilitates healing, growth and empowerment. Loyalty to the process gives it a chance to work.

Client packages for regular sessions offer you a discounted price to reward your commitment. We offer 5 or 10 session packages scheduled to meet weekly.

Every session is designed to address issues and affect positive change in the immediacy of now. And “time in” is needed to fully resolve past issues and manifest the qualities you desire in your life and relationships.

Specialized Session Packages:

Ennea-typing Soul Work package includes an initial phone consultation, one 80 minute Enneagram typing session, and a 45 minute session to confirm type and skillfully apply Enneagram teachings to your life.

Energy work package is three 40 minute sessions.

If you are a private pay client interested in ongoing regular sessions or a specialized package, please fill out client application and specify your interest.

If you are a new non-insurance holding client, you will be contacted for free 20 minute consultation if you wish.

Please see below for sessions, services and payment information.

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Teaching &Groups

The on-line zoom format offers teachings across the globe and facilitates personal sharing in small groups engaged in soul work and community.

Dream circle…

Open inner “knowing” through imagery, symbolic expression and creativity. We explore the language of dreams, life and active imagination to understand self and others. We engage the power of ritual and receive nourishment in a shared field of love.

Advanced Enneagram class…

We follow the book, Facets of Unity by A.H. Almaas, to explore the innermost dimension of Enneagram teachings to learn about self, others and relationships.

Ongoing soul group…

Learn, practice and apply soul work and play methods in daily life. Personal level themes include the clarification of one’s soul journey to now; exploration of soul intent and purpose; and self management toolkit. Group level themes include healthy communication skills and structures of support in relationships. We begin with a 90 day committed journey together.

If you are interested in teachings or group offerings, get in touch! Please specify your interests. When a circle, class or group is available, you will be contacted to confirm your space.

Application and Payments

Apply for Ongoing Sessions

Thank you for your interest in Transpersonal Integration Counseling.  Prospective clients fill out an application and are offered a free 20-30 minute consultation before scheduling a paid session.

This application process:

  1. Gives you practical information about the process

  2. Clarifies what you need and want

  3. Gifts you a complimentary consultation

    Together, we decide the next step forward.

Please be assured we will do our best to serve your peace, happiness, goals and dreams. Nothing is more important. Click the button below to complete application form.

Sessions, Services, Payments

Payments can be made both online through this website or through the Venmo app.

Please click the button below or go to “Services” page and select “Sessions & Packages” to choose the service you are paying for from our on-line store. Use “purchase a session” button and complete your payment by Paypal here or by Venmo app @Kristen-Tussey.

Once purchased, we will be in touch with you to confirm your purchase and arrange scheduling.

Thank you for your interest in working together!

Payment is due by date of service.


Soul of Wholeness

At the beginning of 2022, Kristen was struck with an inspiration and vision of Soul of Wholeness. She felt and knew Soul as an interconnected, interdependent matrix of shared being - a collective Soul that abides in the intelligent depths of each and every heart-mind where we each access wholeness and connection to love. This “placeless place” is our unchanging peace.

Individually, we journey inward toward Source being to experience our unique pattern of allurement that calls us to live alive NOW. We sense and feel our bodies, heal our hearts and open to beauty, as we learn to trust truth and receive love. We choose to align our lives with soul from the inside out and are naturally freer and happier.

Kristen recorded a Soul of Oneness teaching series with 21 minute-long videos, and is now writing a book entitled Soul of Wholeness. If you are interested in finding out more, feel free to email her at to ask any questions or share your comments.

We live in perilous times of world change and challenge. The Soul of Wholeness idea shifts consciousness from a “me” centered view to a “we” centered view and offers a new direction forward. Please live and share this idea. If you feel called, sign up through out contact form to stay in touch.