The diagram of Neurological Levels gives me a great visual reference of the moment. I am astounded how well that image helps me to listen to others!
— Brian, A
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What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?


What if, by modifying our thoughts, language and responses, we resolve internal conflict, change how we experience past memories, and heal trauma? NLP enables us to see old patterns in new ways and uncover new possibilities.

Neurological Levels.png

We all possess a neurology – those pathways that perceive and process sensory information about the environment for our nervous system.   As we experience life, our sensory modalities capture and store experiences as memories that bring us back to past experiences; a favorite song, a particular smell, taste or touch can return us to moments of joy or profound sadness.  We assign meaning to these perceptions, including beliefs and expectations.  As we grow from childhood into adulthood, these meanings can morph and change in distorting ways, resulting in a less than optimum personal “map-of-reality.”  Altering our internal maps in powerful, effective ways directly impacts our experience of our self and the world.

NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) is the art and science of personal excellence. Art because we bring unique character to our individual expression, and science because there is a discoverable pattern in performance. Desirable states of being can be mapped and modeled to embody positive change.  


NLP accesses Neurological levels Inner Soul Work is the key to outer life change. 

The innermost ring represents the Spiritual level which is the deepest, most internal element.  Any change at this level affects every other level like a drop in water rippling out in rings of vibration. Spiritual experience affects our sense of self, belief, capability, behavior and environment.

An identity change influences what we believe.  Our beliefs affect our sense of capability.  Capability informs our behaviors and behaviors influence our environment -the outermost element of our lives. 

In this way, depth of inner change relates directly to the power of influence the change will make in the whole of our lives.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Quote Source