For years, feelings of shame and an inner critic dynamic used to paralyze me and caused me to suffer.  Through Soul Work, I now have an unshakable core which supports me no matter what. This has allowed me to grow and self-actualize in ways I would never have thought possible.
— Beth, M

Empowerment & Energy Work


Empowerment within reach…

Soul work naturally moves from healing to empowerment.  As psychological angst and trauma are freed, more energy is available and you want to play, share and love. 

Fears and hesitation no longer hold back the flow and the journey becomes about living now.  


Personal Growth

Love abides deep in the heart-mind of every being, and is the key to living happiness. Relationship is the practice ground where we learn how to give, receive and share love with others, and is one facet of personal growth.

Personal growth is about living a balanced, healthy, wholesome life that reflects our values and aligns with soul being. So for some, this looks like living a simple, quiet life in the woods. For others, it may be running for political office or birthing babies or weaving rugs or law enforcement. It’s not the form that is important but rather are you fully living you?

The depth of this inquiry is not easily addressed for the distractions, complexity and stress of modern life pulls us away from peace of being and it isn’t always easy to live from our heart.

So, part of personal growth is to organize and manage ourselves well. For this we gather an energy toolkit for support and an attitude of gratitude that opens us to the beauty and blessings of life itself.

Energy Toolkit

Empowerment is the strength, confidence and ability to claim the power of being oneself. Embodiment is making tangible or bring into form a quality, idea or feeling. So how do we make tangible the peace of being? How do we make visible soul essence? How do we fully live as ourself? Practical energetic tips and tools offer support at every stage of the work.

Things you will learn:

  • How to find “Center”

  • How to anchor in the present

  • Energy management

  • How your energy system is organized

  • How to establish appropriate boundaries

  • How to stay home in yourself when relating with others

  • How to clear and claim your energy field


Energy Work and sessions offer you additional support

Energy work is woven through every session and all stages of the work. Kristen has 20 years of experience with energetic healing and empowerment modalities and holds a field of light and love that supports your process.

When desired 45 minute Energy Work sessions help clear and balance your energy channels and systems. She is trained in Theta healing and offers tools that resolve past trauma, clear false beliefs and open circuits of love, forgiveness and harmony.

(link here)

Attitude of Gratitude

Awareness of resources helps us shift when we are out of sorts. Pondering the blessings of breath, clean water, good food, shelter and warmth helps us breathe and relax. Remembering the people we love, moments of beauty, freedoms we enjoy and the ways in which we are supported awakens an attitude of gratitude.

Living Now

In truth, the only time there is is now. Every moment of the past was now. Every moment you will ever live, will happen now. Now is always present.

When we live now, we are free. There’s no need to control experience or make things happen in a certain way. We let things be and are more open and available to what arises.

For the most part, we simply live our life and do what we feel to do. Curiosity and unknowing can take us on an adventure to Africa, Or inspiration strikes and we take up the violin. Something deeper than the cognitive mind is dancing with our lives and we feel at peace.

According to the Dalai Lama “The purpose of life is to be happy.”

So, we walk lightly and include everything - the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly - from deep fullness of being. Beauty nourishes the heart, and of course, loving makes us happy.

Book an Energy Work Session!

Energetic skills and teachings help you:

  • Find your energetic center and anchor in the present moment

  • Understand the anatomy of your energy body and field

  • Claim your energy and establish healthy boundaries

  • Clear negative energies

  • Stay centered in yourself while relating to others