Awaken to Truth, Love and
the Beauty of you.
The journey to wholeness is the soul’s journey. It includes every facet of your life - mind, heart, body, relationships, work, play, creativity, gifts, challenges, materiality, sexuality, spirituality… every joy and sorrow.
Whatever brings you here - perhaps a curiosity or a feeling or by chance or a dream - I hope you enjoy your exploration of this website.
For a summary of our offerings at Transpersonal Counseling, see our Flyer!
“You’ve had a profound impact on me. Our work together has allowed me to come more and more into my own, more fully my self. And so much more. For me, our relationship has been a testament to my favorite quote: ‘I alone must become myself; I cannot become myself alone.’ Now I feel peace and completion.”
Mmmm….what is Transpersonal Integration Counseling?
“Transpersonal is a term used by different schools of philosophy and psychology to describe experiences and world views that extend beyond the personal level of the psyche, and beyond mundane worldly events.” Wikipedia. Transpersonal psychology doesn’t deny other psychological approaches but includes the spiritual or transcendent aspects of human experience within the framework of modern psychology.
Transpersonal Counseling is a unique approach that integrates wholeness of being, qualities of soul and powerful tools for positive change to help individuals, children and families heal and grow. Whether you suffer depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, compulsive behaviors or relational difficulties, our work together gives you experiential understanding of the root cause of issues and points you to inner peace.
Together we meet difficulties and you grow strong. You learn new tools, heal past hurts, practice new skills and experience greater freedom to live your best life - a life you would love to live.
Some people are drawn to transpersonal counseling because they experience out-of-the-box emotional or energetic dilemmas, non-ordinary perceptions, or overwhelming challenges. They need a safe place to explore their full range of experience including past trauma, confusing mystical knowings, difficult religious histories, expanded states and addictive patterns related to alcohol, drugs and substances, and a plethora of causes and conditions too difficult to deal with without help and guidance.
Other people simply want to explore the subtler, more intuitive, sensitive and feeling worlds within. They are drawn to the depths of Jungian psychology, creativity and expression. Jungian methods attend to the symbolic language of dreams and imagination that arise from subconscious layers of mind. We listen to understand and engage what arises to learn. The process helps you move with greater unity, harmony and soul alignment. From here, life unfolds with greater freedom, love and meaning.
Transpersonal counseling tends to the healing, growth and healthy integration of all facets of your ordinary and extraordinary life as you learn self-care, compassion and peace.
What this approach IS NOT about:
Diagnosing what is wrong with you
Analysis of past to fix the future
Techniques for a quick-fix solutions to difficulties
What this approach IS about:
Staying present to whatever arises
Growing your capacity to feel and be with
Exploring your experience to see and learn
Taking practical positive step-by-step actions
Universal-knowing-loving-consciousness as Guide
What is the soul work process?
The counseling process has 3 stages:
Crisis & Safety
Acceptance & Healing
Growth & Empowerment
There is nothing wrong with you. We all need basic safety to navigate life well. As humans we often have patterns and difficulties to understand and unravel, and all of us have hurts to heal. Step one is getting a foundation of safety and support.
Acceptance, attention and care help you see, process and release past experience and residual tensions held in the body’s instinctive nervous system. Step two helps you heal psychological suffering as you pull the roots of false beliefs, limited identities and cruelty in the mind. With healing new possibilities stir.
As you feel freer and lighter, you experience greater peace. Step three gives rise to the passion of soul purpose. You want to express in a new direction. This can show up in myriad forms but feels like inspiration, like love happening - a new idea emerges, a relationship shifts, an artistic or musical expression arises, an adventure or activity calls - and you want to say “yes.”
As your love expands you grow more fearless and challenges can arise. Yet, you are living what you are here to live. The embodiment of soul is not always easy but is empowering and meaningful. As you meet new edges of growth, our counseling relationship shifts to mentoring and you receive support for new horizons.
Experience gentle healing & powerful tools for positive change.
Ground. Explore. Grow.
Orientation to Soul work
This video orients you to the unique approach of Transpersonal Integration Counseling.
It describes the nature of the soul’s journey, the process of transpersonal integration, and what happens in a session.
Three truths guide the process:
The only time there is is now
Whatever arises is welcome
We do our best to follow love & truth
The Heart of Welcome
This video invites you to close your eyes and join me in a guided meditation designed to release stress, tensions and stuck energies held in the body.
In the beginning of most counseling sessions, I guide a settling exercise that helps us to fully arrive.
By expanding awareness of breath and body you relax. Letting go of thinking and allowing thoughts to arise and pass through your mind, you open and more deeply experience yourself.
Welcome to Transpersonal Integration Counseling and part one of the heart of welcome!
Be Your Own Best Friend
This video opens the heart of love. You are asked to think about the qualities of a true friend — they love you no matter what and stay even when things are difficult.
Then, we explore loving awareness as a way to know the placeless place of being that abides deep within, and receives all like a beloved friend.
A new direction opens and you are invited to befriend yourself as you are, and step into the very heart of love. Please join me…
Welcome to part two of the heart of welcome!
“As a coach, Kristen has helped me free personal issues, so that I move much more effectively in my professional life. In every session, she guides us in a settling meditation and I find groundedness and equanimity have become more second nature.”
Transformation Process
Transpersonal integration is personal growth beyond the mind.
The dynamic flow of Universal intelligence within and between us, as client and counselor, informs our work together and transforms all that arises.
Consciousness is the universal intelligence that animates all life, and is teacher, healer and “knowing” guide of soul work. As counselor and client, we are the vehicles through which consciousness moves. Our relationship over time builds a stable foundation of safety, trust and resonance that supports the healing, growth and transformation that is soul work.
The process is not unlike the hatching of a butterfly. The soul’s potential is akin to the fully manifested butterfly and the transformation process follows a natural order and timing that is beautiful but is not always easy. We need courage and faith to engage the process and allow forces of change to grow us anew.
The dynamic of transformation is a living experience that unfolds from the mystery of life itself. Openness and curiosity expand us to ask questions about who and what we are or could be. Questions widen our horizons and invite greater possibility. We begin to see the intelligent wholeness and interconnected magnificence of beauty and diversity in life, and recognize the creative power of transformation that births all apparent forms - butterflies, pearls, babies to name a few.
As humans, we have the power to transform, to change, to move beyond our limited point of view and express our own unique form of greatness through what we love. Self-love awakens potentials and gifts and is likely a precondition for the transformational element of soul work to work.
Journey with Soul Work for freedom and happiness!
“You bring a love of truth, courage, curiosity and willingness to the process. I bring the same. We open to the living moment and meet whatever arises with love. Seeing brings understanding and the soul gently returns home to peace.”